Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cars are complicated things.

I don't know if I mentioned this in a previous post, but I'm trying to buy a car. And it's a pain in the butt. I found a nice deal in the city, and my aunt is going to go with me to check it out on Saturday. However, I need to stay in the city Saturday night, because it's b-day celebrations with the buddies (involving drinks that will not enable me to drive). It just occurred to me that if I did buy the car, I'll need some place to keep it while I'm in the city... oh, poopy. Cars are a lot of work in the big bad city. Maybe my aunt will have an extra space in her apartment's garage overnight. That would be nice. Oh, and Sunday it's my cousin's b-day celebration!!! She's turning three and is the cutest, most trouble-some girl - though not as bad as me at three, as my parents tell it. Her b-day is actually the same date as mine, but with so many things going on in the fam, it'll be a late celebration. S'ok. Alrighty, just a random thought + bored at work = useless post. :-D

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